Link Soup

Who could have known? Statistics works: Great visualisation for distribution comparison: Attention economy Dystopia

Social media

How to blog if you have no time? When microblogging differs from twitter? I think that if this blogging expermient is about to work I need to strimline and simplify as much as possible.  I’m at a project meeting @Ineos Cologne, listening a full room discussing how to create a project blog and what should […]

I’ve discovered bandcamp

Ok, so I am behind times as it seems. I didn’t know, that there is an option to buy music directly from creators. Maybe because, so far I was not much of a music person. Recently it changes, thanks to different streaming services. However, I’m writing this post, to share something, that really made me […]

The fall of Nostalgia Critic

I was motivated to write this post by a document titled „Not so awesome”, that recently made rounds over internet. A little bit of background. In late 2000s I was a Nostalgia Critic fan. Nostalgia Critic is an American video content creator (at the time it was Blip not Youtube) who makes comedy recaps of […]

Back in saddle, I guess

Ok, so against all good reason and in spite of absolutely lack of time I’m gonna try blogging again. As you can see there was a long time since my last activity (almost 8 years). But perhaps now I have more to say than then. Also some things have changed in those 8 years. : […]